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Tour Roosevelt!

Interested in checking us out?  Contact our Family Liason for school tour dates and times

If you are interested in your student having a shadow experience please contact  If you have a particular student to in mind to shadow please include that students name in the email communication.  If not, no problem!, we will find a student who best fits with your student.  

Shadow experiences are a full day, 8:30-3:20pm.  Please allow for at least 3-5 days to set up a shadow experience. 



school tours poster novemeber dates




RSVP to to reserve your November 2024 Roosevelt School Tour now!

Roosevelt Mission & Vision

Roosevelt High School motivates students to engage in rigorous academic experiences and ensures educational justice for all.  Students will leave Roosevelt High School driven to serve, equipped to positively impact the world.
Our motto is: "Enter to learn, leave to serve"

Interested in becoming a Teddy?    CLICK HERE to start the process at the district level. 

If you reside in South Minneapolis, and/or you are a non-English speaker, begin by going to the New Families Center at 3345 Chicago Ave South. Their phone number is 612-668-3700.

If you are an English speaker and you reside on the North side you will go the Student Placement Center at 1250 West Broadway. Their phone number is 612-668-1840.

Students are placed at a school through these offices. After placement, students can call the school they’ll be attending for an appointment to register with the school.

Ideally, the student would have told their current school that they are leaving and have formally withdrawn.

A parent or guardian should be with the student if they are under 18. We will need:

  • Birth certificate, passport, or I-94 card. 
  • Transcript
  • Testing scores
  • Health & immunization records
  • Attendance
  • Special Ed records if applicable
  • Discipline records if applicable
  • Withdrawal grades if it was close to the end of the grading period.

Once they come to the school, the registration process can take from 1 to 2 hours. They will fill out many papers, talk to a counselor and build a schedule. It is important that the counselor knows what classes they successfully completed when making their schedule. They will meet with the nurse, social worker, attendance, etc., They will get a student ID card and a bus card if they are eligible. We do not have school buses as all high schools currently use the public transportation system. Roosevelt is served by bus and light rail train. We hope these details will help your student make a smooth transfer in a new place.