Roosevelt's motto is Enter to Learn, Leave to Serve. The expectation is that each student does a minimum of 20 hours of service (volunteering) each year. If you want to hammer them all out in one year, that's ok, just so you get to 80 before graduation. At graduation you will receive a service seal on your diploma and designation in the program. The student with the most service hours also receives a scholarship from the RHS Foundation.
How do you get hours? We have ample opportunities to meet the 20 hours at school: recycling club, student ambassadors, spirit committee, Operation Holiday Basket, Pancake Breakfast, sporting events, etc.
We have also had students who go on mission trips over the summer, volunteer at camps, hospitals, libraries, local parks being coaches, at their old middle schools, food shelves, etc. You can shovel a neighbor, clean up your community, cut the grass for Grandma, tutor a sibling, anything you don't get paid for. However, anything that involves a sibling or babysitting for anyone can only be counted for a total of 20 hours.
How do you submit hours? Students are required to self-submit. It has been working well for students to create a google sheet with Date, Activity, time served, who can vouch and share that document with That method is also awesome for the student because the records are at their fingertips. Or, if it's for an agency or entity, you can get a statement on letterhead and turn into Christol at or in the mailbox outside of room 100. If it's in the community, a note from who you helped with a phone number.
If you participate in a sport or after-school club, one hour per quarter for involvement but that also has to be self-reported.
When are the hours due? I would prefer that hours are turned in as you complete them or quarterly. BUT all hours MUST be turned in by the Friday after spring break their senior year for graduation recognition.
JUNIOR AND SENIORS..If you are going for the IB Medallion or IB Diploma, you have different requirements. Please email and ask for a handbook and set up a time to meet.
Juniors/seniors...Medallion. You must:
Take at least 3 IB DP courses over two years
• Complete the Internal and External Assessments for their IBDP courses
• Take Theory of Knowledge (TOK) and complete the Internal and External Assessments
• Complete CAS experiences that equal 100 hours from the FIRST day of Junior year until the Friday after spring break their Senior year. All hours up until the first day of Junior year count as community service hours only.
Juniors/Seniors...Diploma. You must:
• Take 6 IB Courses including 3 HL and 3 SL
• Take at least 1 IB course from each of the following: Language and Literature, Language
Acquisition, Individuals and Societies, Sciences, Mathematics, Arts
• Complete the Internal and External Assessments for their IBDP courses
• Take Theory of Knowledge (TOK) and complete the Internal and External Assessments
• Complete a CAS project that will take at least 4 weeks to complete and complete 10-25 additional CAS experiences. The experiences start the first day of Junior year and run through the Friday after spring break Senior year. All hours up until the first day of Junior year count as community service hours only. The project MUST be approved by Ms. Christol before you begin.
• Complete a 4,000-word, independent research project (Extended Essay)
• Earn a minimum of 24 total IB points through the 6 IB courses, TOK and the EE