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AchieveTC Career & College Center

MPS Career & College Centers (CCCs) are embedded in MPS high schools and are open to all students. CCCs provide personalized guidance, resources and connections that help young people plan for life after graduation and achieve their career and postsecondary goals.

MPS CCCs are managed by Achieve Twin Cities in partnership with MPS

Learn more about Career & College Center

 Career & College Centers provide a supportive landing space for students and their families to connect with expert guidance and great opportunities as they discover, explore and create their own individual career pathway plans.

CCC staff are experts in career and college readiness support and work closely with school counseling teams. They include admissions experts, licensed school counselors, social workers, educators and others with extensive experience in working with young people.

Roosevelt Career and College Center (CCC)

Please reach out to the CCC Coordinators or your Counselor with any questions or to schedule a 1 on 1 meeting!

Located in Room 207 at the College and Career Center (CCC) in Roosevelt High School (RHS).

We help prepare students for life after high school by providing resources, technology, and space to research all post-secondary options beyond high school. The Career & College Center Coordinators are available to connect and assist students with the following:

  • Post-secondary research, planning, and application assistance for 2 and 4 year college options, technical and short-term training programs, employment, apprenticeships, and more!
  • My Life Plan and Naviance*
  • College and worksite tours
  • College, career, and military representative visits at school
  • ACT test registration and preparation
  • FAFSA, Dream Act, financial aid and scholarship research
  • Resume writing, job interview, financial literacy, and other professional skills workshops
  • Job and internship opportunities


RHS Seniors: The Roosevelt Foundation Scholarship is now open - check out this link for more information and other scholarships. 

Eric Rodgers

College and Career Center Coordinator


Photo of Eric Rodgers

Mae Yang

College and Career Center Coordinator

mae yang photo